The Deerfield River Fishing Report for 2/29/2020: Yours truly will be appearing tomorrow, March 1 on the fishing show On The Water TV on NBC Sports Boston! Last October,Chris Megan and the OTW TV film crew contacted me about coming out for a quick shoot. Luckily everything fell into place and they came out on a beautiful October day. High winds were forecasted for the afternoon so I knew that we needed to make hay in the morning- and we did! Took a little while to crack the code but we wound up catching a pile of chunky Deerfield Rainbows. The high winds arrived and caused a “leaf hatch” for the afternoon as expected so we didn’t get to fish the BWO hatch that was EPIC every afternoon last October sans high winds. That being said, I really enjoy fishing with Chris and I think that will show in the show, it’s a nice mixture of joking around, talking about gear, and catching fish and the camera work by the film crew was outstanding- really captured the beauty of fall out here on the Deerfield. Can’t wait to do another show! On to the fishing….fishing on the Deerfield has been outstanding this winter, last Sunday was the worst day in a while, we boated 9 and lost 3 more and wiffed on some takes- in a five hours float for one angler. The good days are solid double digit affairs with 20 fish days common, particularly if you know how to nymph. Fish, especially browns will take a streamer presented deep, but nymphing is definitely the method. Stoneflies, cased caddis, San Juan worms, and midges have been doing the most catching. There’s another warm-up forecasted for this coming week so give me a shout if you’re ready to catch a pile of trout, every day over 35 degrees will fish well and some of the biggest fish of the year are caught in March.

8 lb Deerfield Brown!